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Ehsaas Education Stipends Programme Online Apply – New Method

Ehsaas Education School Stipends Programme

The Ehsaas Education Stipends Programme is a big program in Pakistan that helps families who need it and tries to solve the problem of children not going to school. In Pakistan, there are about 19.1 million children who are not going to school, and this program wants to change that. It is an important part of the Ehsaas plan, which helps families who are struggling.

The program builds on another program called Waseela-e-Taleem, which started in 2012 and tried to get more kids into primary school. But when they studied it in 2019, they found that although more kids were going to school because of the program, their attendance and how much they were learning didn’t improve much. So they made changes to the program to make it better.

The Ehsaas Education Stipends Programme has some important changes. They looked at different studies to learn from them and made big improvements. The goal is not just to get more kids in school, but also to make sure they go regularly and learn more. The program gives money to families who need it, especially those who are struggling financially, to encourage parents to send their kids to school, especially girls. These changes want to make a big difference in education in Pakistan and give children better opportunities for the future.

Background and Challenges:

The Waseela-e-Taleem program started in 2012 to help more kids in Pakistan go to primary school. Even though the program helped more children enroll, it faced some problems. Kids were still not coming to school regularly, and their learning didn’t improve much. The program also had issues with spending too much money on administration, not being able to check if everything was going as planned, giving families too little money, and using old-fashioned paper methods that caused mistakes and cheating.

To fix these problems, we need to look at what went wrong with the old program. We should study why attendance and learning didn’t get better, so we can find the right solutions. One important thing is to have a better way of checking if everything is working well. We can use new technology and collect information in real-time to make sure everything is fair and prevent cheating.

We also need to spend money wisely by reducing administrative costs. Using digital tools and computers can help reduce paperwork and make things faster. Giving more money to families who participate in the program can also motivate them to be more involved in their children’s education. By solving these issues, we can improve the Waseela-e-Taleem program and make sure more kids go to school regularly and learn better in Pakistan.

Improvement pillars for reform:

To overcome the challenges, the program introduced four important changes to make it better.

  • Using Technology: The program switched from doing things manually to using easy-to-use apps. Now, the staff can register children and keep track of their progress using these apps. This helps reduce the amount of paperwork and makes things more efficient.
  • Saving Money: To make the program work better and save money, they made some changes. They stopped relying too much on outside organizations and reduced the costs of running the program from 8% to 3%. This way, they can expand the program across the country without spending too much money.
  • Giving More Money: They changed the amount of money given to families. Now, the new policy called Ehsaas Stipend covers primary, secondary, and higher secondary school levels. Children between the ages of 4 and 22 from families that meet the Ehsaas program requirements can get a stipend for going to school.

These changes are aimed at improving the program and making sure more children can benefit from it.

Ehsaas Education Programme Stipend Amounts:

The Ehsaas School Stipends program adjusted the amount of money given to students to encourage them to enroll in school, especially for girls. Here are the amounts they receive every three months:

Education Level Stipend Amount (Every 3 Months)
Boys in Primary School Rs. 1,500
Girls in Primary School Rs. 2,000
Boys in Secondary School Rs. 2,500
Girls in Secondary School Rs. 3,000
Boys in Higher Secondary Rs. 3,500
Girls in Higher Secondary Rs. 4,000

In addition to these stipends, there is a special bonus of Rs. 3,000 awarded to girls upon completing Grade 5, as an incentive for them to continue their education. The graduation bonus is given to girls from families that meet the eligibility requirements of the Ehsaas program.

Enhanced Accountability:

To ensure better oversight and prevent misuse, the program has undergone a complete digital transformation. Now, payments are directly made to the mothers of enrolled children. However, to receive the stipends, a minimum of 70% attendance at school or college is required. This step ensures that the funds are used appropriately to support education and incentivizes regular attendance.

By implementing these measures, the program establishes a robust system of accountability. The digitization process enables transparent and traceable transactions, ensuring that the stipends reach the intended beneficiaries. Moreover, the attendance requirement reinforces the importance of regular school attendance, promoting active participation and ensuring that the funds are effectively utilized for educational purposes.

Also check: Taleemi Wazaif Online Registration [8171] for Students in 2023-24

Simplified Enrollment Process:

To make it easier for eligible families to enroll their children in the program, a user-friendly mobile app called Ehsaas Taleemi Wazaif was created. This app eliminates the need for families to physically visit any office and enables them to complete the enrollment process digitally. Additionally, families can seek assistance with enrollment by visiting the Ehsaas tehsil offices located throughout the country.

Download Ehsaas Taleemi Wazaif 2024 App

The introduction of the Ehsaas Taleemi Wazaif app simplifies the enrollment process and makes it more accessible to eligible families. By eliminating the need for physical visits, families can conveniently enroll their children using their smartphones. Moreover, the availability of enrollment assistance at the Ehsaas tehsil offices ensures that families can receive support and guidance in person, further enhancing the enrollment experience.

Registration via Taleemi Wazaif App

Registering through the Taleemi Wazaif app has become easier and more user-friendly with a step-by-step guide provided in an instructional video. This video offers detailed instructions on how to use the app for registration. By watching the video, you will receive clear and complete guidance on how to smoothly navigate through each step of the registration process.

The main purpose of the video is to simplify the registration process for those who are new to the app. It ensures that even if you are not familiar with it, you can easily understand each step and successfully complete the registration. The video covers everything from creating an account to entering the required information and submitting the application. By following along with the video, you can easily learn how to use the Taleemi Wazaif app and register your children without any confusion or difficulty.

Ehsaas Education Stipends Programme Expansion and Achievements:

Expanding the Reach:

The Ehsaas School Stipends program aims to help 10 million children in all 160 districts of Pakistan. It has already made impressive strides by enrolling more than 7.87 million children. This significant progress demonstrates the program’s commitment to reaching its ambitious goal and providing educational support to a substantial number of children across the country.

Positive Achievements:

The Ehsaas School Stipends program has achieved noteworthy milestones in its journey. By enrolling over 7.87 million children, the program has successfully impacted the lives of numerous students and their families, helping to improve access to education and alleviate financial barriers. These achievements underline the program’s dedication to promoting education and empowering children with the necessary resources for a brighter future.

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